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How BOC Creates an Impact

At BOC, every month, at a five star property, we welcome you to a session of brainstorming. It is all about a mindset shift, exchange of ideas and challenges, discussing possibilities and opportunities. With your proximity to the inner circle, you get to rub shoulders with like-minded successful passionate entrepreneurs. Besides, you get to be mentored by the Chief Mentor, Agnelorajesh Athaide, himself.

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We Fulfil Your Needs

Broaden your horizons, gain newer perspectives, and bring a mind-set shift

Find your sounding board and get your ideas strategized and validated

Attend master class sessions by expert speakers from various industries

Get invited to different networking programs by members

Promote each other wherever and whenever possible

Access an exclusive whatsapp group of credential businessmen

Your Takeaway

Very often businesses thrive and then suddenly halt. It’s a phase when one hits the glass ceiling. BOC comes in at this point to help one break through this obstacle and find newer opportunities for growth.

Every meeting, in a way, is a chance for you to shift your mindset, present your goals, challenges, or aspirations. Other members or experts present provide solutions to your queries at a zero cost.

Further, the entire group is divided into smaller cluster groups. So besides the monthly meetings, you also have cluster meetings once a month. All this is designed to enable you to think beyond what you know so you can take your business to a 90 degree growth shift.

We believe to leap to the next level of personal growth is important. It enables your business growth. That's what we facilitate for you because unless you grow personally your business won’t grow.

So BOC makes possible:

Bonding at a personal level

Understanding each other’s business in depth

A detailed session of brainstorming and churning of knowledge

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networking company in mumbai

Together we can make the toughest task possible.

It can even propel you to break the glass ceiling.